Wednesday, March 18, 2009

The Greatest Lesson I Almost Didn't Learn

When I was but a boy of fourteen, my father was so ignorant I could hardly stand to have the old man around. When I got to be twenty one, I was astonished at how much the old man had learned in seven years. ~ Mark Twain

Live Full. Die Empty ~ Les Brown

I was raised in the church. Or at least, in my early years. My grandmother was a Sunday school teacher and heavily involved in not only the church activities, but the community as well. She would go and help the old ladies that couldn't make it to church anymore with stuff around the house. Yardwork, bringing them groceries, cleaning up the house. Things that they couldn't get to on their own anymore. And since I was the son of a single mom and spent a lot of time babysat by the aforementioned grandmother, I ended up spending a lot of time around some of the elder folks as well.

I lived a lot of my young life bored to tears, in other words.

What I didn't realize at the time was that I was being given an early glimpse of the end of life and the perspectives that go with it. It used to just drive me crazy to have to sit around and listen to the old folks go on about all the things they wish they would have done, boast about the surely exaggerated things they did do. Over and over it was the same old thing. I used to get sick of hearing it. It wasn't until later that I really heard what they were saying.

What all of them were saying.

And more importantly, what they weren't saying.

I didn't hear them complain of things they did. I always heard them list the things they wish they would have done.

All independently of each other, in their own style and speed, they would start off talking about the good old days, and inevitably end up strolling down wishful lane and how if they just had more time to do the things they had never gotten around to... A choir of the wise, singing a tale of warning to those of us who think our lives will happen by "getting around to it, eventually."

I have the words "Live Full, Die Empty" tattooed across my upper back after hearing a keynote speaker thunder them into the audience, and it hit me like a thunderbolt.

So whenever you, gentle reader, see me revel in my own adventures, especially shortly after they have occurred, and ask, "Why is he always out there like that?"

I have to ask in return, "Why are you not?"

Until next time....


Saturday, March 14, 2009

The Easiest Money You'll Ever Make... Volume 1

Sometimes you just get flat out lucky. There's no other way to describe it. And I'm saying this because I'm watching my business grow overnight.

No kidding. And I'm skeptical. I only believe results.

Well, I have results now. 5 people on my team in 2 weeks with next to zero effort on my part. So keep that in mind as you watch this tour. It's no BS. People love this and it's easy. Not only that, but it's easy to market yourself in a big way with very little time and energy involved thanks to sites like twitter and craigslist.

Now here's the best part about this, the lucky part: I got in early. Like, pre-launch early. Every other time in my life I've ever bumped into an opportunity like this, I always missed the gold rush and things were 10 times harder for me than the people that got in early. The person that sponsored me has put in over 20 people in no time. <--click here and it will walk you through everything you need to know. Email me at with any questions.

Do yourself the favor to check this out. It's even just $1.99 if you want to give it a 3 day test drive, and there are no contracts, so you can quit anytime you like if you wish.

Update 05Apr09 Been a little busy lately, haven't been updating this as often as I should be. Checked today, team is at 11 people. Some of my downline members are starting to replicate... This is REALLY starting to get exciting.

Update 22March09 Another person signed up, I didn't catch it immediately... But hey, that's the problem we pray for, isn't it?

Update 14March09 11:13pm. I made a couple of mentions on twitter about what I was doing and another person signed up. Brings me to 6.

Until next time...


Thursday, March 5, 2009

The Prayer of Thanks

"Sometimes, no matter how long or hard you've loved someone, they'll never love you back. And sometimes, you have to be ok with that." ~Unknown

"Adversity introduces a man to himself." ~Unknown

I'm not gonna lie. I've spent a good portion of my life getting my ass kicked by, well, life. Seems like the beatings have come from every direction and from every possible level of person in my life. And for the longest time, it just hurt. I wondered what I did to deserve it. Then I started to identify with it. Started to tailspin as I figured somehow that's what I was meant to endure.

I grew up without much in the way of role models. Over time I sort of picked out my own. Now that I look back, that was a blessing. I'm not locked into trying to live the way, "My pappy always said..." I get to pick and choose my own titans to emulate. Alexander of Macedonia, Abraham Lincoln, Sun Tzu, Superman, Lex Luthor, Benjamin Franklin, Leonidas of Sparta... the list goes on.

And as time has passed, I've realized that where you start is, in many ways, a blessing as well. I've seen what became of the spoiled, soft children I grew up with. In times of trial or hardship, they crack. Or cry. Give up. A few toughen up, but most whine instead. It's not a brag or boast when I say that the only thing in life I really have a talent for is picking myself back up again.

But then, isn't that power? The definition of a Juggernaut is simply something that can't be stopped.

I've learned to be thankful to life itself for the blessings of tribulation. To see each thing as a lesson to be learned.

No sword on earth was forged in a pillow fight. It takes fire, followed by the hammer and the anvil, back to the fire again.... The sharpest swords were folded on themselves hundreds of times. So now I see these things in life, the lessons they present, for what they are, and over time, I've gathered something of a prayer to remember them by. Off the top of my head, here's what I remember at the moment, but I'll collect my thoughts here more often.

The Prayer of Thanks

Thank you for the pain, for it has made me stronger. I hardly even notice it anymore.

Thank you for the lonely times, for they have sharpened my appreciation of those that matter.

Thank you for those that have wasted my time, for it has reminded me of times value.

Thank you for those that didn't appreciate me, for it has reminded me of my value.

Thank you for the near misses, for they have reminded me of how much I have left to do.

Thank you for starting me off at the bottom. I may not have learned how to climb otherwise.

Thank you for starting me off poor. I know the value of simplicity.

Thank you for starting me off a weakling. I know the horror of the bullies victim first hand.

Thank you for starting me off timid. I know the life of the meek, and choose not to live it.

But most of all, thank you for the coin toss that kept me in the womb. It's all the chance I'll ever need.

Until the next time...


Sunday, March 1, 2009

I put a spell on... me

"Experience taught me a few things. One is to listen to your gut, no matter how good something sounds on paper.” ~Donald Trump

I had this gut feeling once. It was about this girl that started working with me at an overnight job I had for a little while. She was quite sexy, but my oh my was she stuck up. To the point of arrogant, really.

Fast forward about four years, and what do you know, I was right. I can logically point out just exactly how stuck up and arrogant she is and all the ways it undermined our relationship.

What goes in the middle is something of a tale. We started talking a little bit, went to breakfast a couple of times. Started IMing back and forth, one thing leads to another... And four years later I've finally parted ways with her. Finally, and couldn't be happier for it. And I don't mean break up and move away, that was done a while ago. I mean I finally started seeing past the spell I put on myself and actually seeing her for what she really is, and I couldn't be more disgusted. Not even interested in being friends anymore. And the sickest part of it all is that I knew all this deep down the very first time I met her, but I talked myself around it.

Going to school, your teachers always tell you not to change your answers on the questions you aren't sure about, go with your first choice. It's probably the correct one. That has continued to be true over and over since then. I've met people that just make the hair on the back of my neck stand up, only to 'work past it' and find out later I was dead on in the first place.

The real question that looms, to me, is, "Why do I keep doing this?"

That took some reflection to figure out. And a lot of it happened during heartbreak and/or rage because, you guessed it, I had been taken to the cleaners by a supposed friend or loved one on some level. Not gonna lie, I've been made a fool of a couple times along the way. Not often, but every once in a while somebody makes it over the moat, the wall, past the guards, fools the council, and then convinces me that they're something other than what they are. And what allows this to happen?

Good old hope. The very thing that keeps us going in the first place can sometimes be an overachiever and let us think better of someone that really didn't deserve it in to begin with.

It starts slowly mind you. They have some trait or attribute that you just love about a person. Just ache to have. It's your fetish, your obsession, draws you like a magnet. And once you get your hands on it, you may as well be trying to pry crack from an addicts clenched fist to let go of it. Then starts the spell weaving.

You start thinking of all the daydreams you've ever had about you being happy, and they're in the picture. Laughing, smiling, dancing, moaning, sleeping beside you, there when you wake up and there when you get home, just the way you dream of life being. And here's where it begins.

You start to associate them with your daydreams. Not what you're seeing right in front of you. What you hope for. And the worst part is, you don't even realize it. It's all happening deeper in your mind than you can even rationalize. You start to argue with friends and family, start to excuse the person as their instincts are screaming, but you've muted yours in lieu of this new feeling of trust and love. And it's not even real. Your hope has cast a spell on you and you don't even know that it happened.

And here's the real kicker. After you finally realize that you've made a bad choice, these mental associations with the person will trigger aftershocks for months, maybe even years. And the worst part is, some of them won't even be real.

The first girl I fell head over heels for broke my heart from a couple thousand miles away when she called to tell me, "I found somebody...."

I had dreams for months after that. All of the things I had imagined with her, all the little mental movies I saw in my head were playing, laid out like a scrapbook of images suspended in space, framed like postage stamps. And burning. Us at the alter. Us at the beach, dancing as the sun set. Waking up in the morning. All ablaze like someone had lit the corner of every poster at the movie theater. It was literally like my mind was torching all the connections I had made to her for the future. In a way, it was cathartic I suppose. I thought they were nightmares, the torture of some angry demon inflicting pain into my heart and mind, but eventually they stopped, and I even stopped thinking about her.

To conclude, my only point is this: listen to the precious council of your gut feeling. Consider it's sway when it bellows in your ear. I'm sure at this point you've thought of a few instances where you ignored it, only to regret that decision later. Don't become a slave to it, ignoring all thought. But listen to it's vote whenever it presents itself.

Until next time...
