Saturday, February 21, 2009

Solving The Worlds Problems One Moment at a Time, 1st Edition

I've heard it said that it's not the fall that kills you, but the sudden stop at the end of it.

Oddly, that is strikingly familiar to sleep and alarm clocks.

Very recently I purchased an alarm clock that plays a CD in the morning. In this CD player is Azam Ali. Best, most refreshing way to wake up ever as far as alarms go. However, there's an even better way. And, were this to be culture at large, I think the world would be a happier place. I always am when things start off this way...

So we have option A)

You're sleeping soundly until the alarm goes off. Out of your dream you are seized, and into the jaws of the beeping siren. Jarring. Next to rude, and certainly not what we look forward to when we go to sleep, but like a good beating, we know it's on its way.

Option B)

(PS if you happen to be sensitive, this would be the place to stop)

Before we get started, I want you to understand that this is no fantasy of mine. When I was last in a committed relationship, this was standard practice...

I used to use my cell phone alarm to wake up to. Put on vibrate and under the pillow, it was effective, but not jarring. This largely depends on the phone and the pillow, and if done incorrectly can seem like your head is strapped to a jackhammer. The purpose was to wake up quietly, though.

Then I would gently slide under the covers, down along the sleeping form of my lady lovely. Very gently I would take one of her feet into my hands and slowly start to massage it. Usually she would come awake with an, 'mmmmmm,' as well as a stretch and roll over so that her feet were easily reached. A good massage on the first foot, working my thumbs along the arch and around the heel, then onto the second. Along with the second, however, I would start to caress her calves with my lips. Tender kisses along the curve of her calf as I massaged, slowly working my way up and down the back of her calves with my lips...

Now, as you have no doubt guessed, my massaging hands would become caressing hands as I continued kissing my way along the backs of her things, up and down, teasingly closer to the bottom of the curve of her ass. Fingertips, sometimes even fingernails dragging a little bit, up over the curve of her ass, across her buttocks, biting just a little, around and around the curve of her perfect ass...

Then up the small of the back, tongue dragging along her spine. Her back arches, pushing her sweet ass in the air at little at first, then more with each pass until she's pushed so far into the air that the lips between her things have started to show. And this is important, as I start to kiss my way down and around the curve of her ass again, breathing against her petals as I pass by them... moans starting to escape her lips.

"I want your tongue in me..."

Now I pull just a little on the bottom of her ass where it meets the thing, pulling apart her petals... Ease my tongue just along the edge so she can feel it, ache for it...

As you can imagine, the morning was, well incredible for all parties. Or, you can look forward to the echoing, blaring scream of the alarm clock jarring you from your deep sleep cycle...

Until next time....



  1. Wow, I wish I could wake up to something like this in the morning.

  2. I'll make you a deal, you fly out here for a weekend, and not only will you wake up like this, but you'll still have two more wishes left!
