Friday, February 13, 2009

Welcome One And All

I'd rather you hate me for everything I am
Than have you love me for something that I'm not
--Five Finger Death Punch

Just so we're clear, when I say 'welcome,' I do mean it so very conditionally....

If you have all the emotional intelligence of a whining junior high cheer leader, I don't mean you.

If you're of the swirling masses that can't appreciate the good things right in front of them for the greener grass you think is somewhere else, I don't mean you.

If you have to lie or deceive to get your way in life, I don't mean you.

If you're passive aggressive or cowardly, I don't mean you .

If you're thin skinned or don't have a sense of humor, I don't mean you.

If you're scared of sex or try to make it rocket science, I don't mean you.

If you hate a person for their sex, skin color, disability, or anything else they had no control over, I don't mean you.

If you're high drama for no good reason, I don't mean you.

If you don't understand what it means to honor the agreements you make, I don't mean you.

If you claim to follow the teachings of a peaceful leader, but use them to try to enforce hatred, intolerance, bigotry, or meddling in general, I don't mean you.

I will add to this list, check it frequently.

Most of you won't like me, but then according to the 80/20 rule, you can't.

Some of you will hate me. That's fine.

Some of you will love me. That's good.

Some of you will be loved by me. That's better.

Some of you will experience me. That's almost devine.

One of you will make me forget all others, and what a story that will be.

Until then... My adventures are yours....
